Two artists working as one since 1998.

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All Together Human - Protest Art Exhibit

Added on by Adrian and Shane.
All Together Human’ is a provocative one-day exhibition of protest art by Ireland’s leading creatives. Marking Irish AIDS Day 2017 (June 15th), proceeds from the sale of work will support the work of HIV activist group, ACT UP Dublin.


Adrian+Shane ▲ ADW ▲ Aoife Dooley ▲ Emma Blake ▲ Hazel Coonagh ▲ Jim Fitzpatrick ▲ Friz ▲ Sean Hillen ▲ MASER ▲ Morgan ▲ Fuchsia MacAree ▲ Jess Tobin ▲ Solus ▲ Richard Seabrooke ▲ Signs of Power ▲ Will St Leger

The title, ‘All Together Human’ sums up the theme of this exhibit. Across our social, religious, economic and geographical differences, HIV – the human immunodeficiency virus – affects us as people. Altogether human in our weaknesses and strengths, our failures and achievements, our rage and joyfulness. All together, human, in solidarity, defiance and hope.

June 15th // 18:00 - 22:00

Curved Street,
Temple Bar,